Safety Rules
Calling “Stop or Stop Firing”.
At any time during a round, a marshal may call “Stop/Stop Firing”, which will temporarily stop that round. Players should repeat the call of “Stop” or “Stop Firing” so that all other players hear, stop shooting, take a knee and listen (all attacks stop). If a player is injured or if there is a threat to personal safety, you are obligated to call “Stop”, but do not abuse it.
- All players must attend the mandatory safety briefing & sign a waiver before entering the game zone.
- Players under the age 18 must have a disclaimer signed by a parent/guardian.
- Players cannot enter the game zone without permission from the marshals.
- Laser Tag is a ground level sport, no climbing trees, bunkers, pallets, barriers or man-made props.
- No real weapons of any kind allowed anywhere on site.
- No drugs or alcohol to be consumed or brought onto site. Anyone believed to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol will not be permitted to play and will be asked to leave the site without a refund.
- Aim Laser Ops has a ZERO tolerance to abusive language and behaviour on our site, offenders will be removed from site. Anyone who physically assaults another player or member of staff will be banned from site and the Police will be called.
- Holding or grabbing an opponents gun, or equipment is not allowed.
- When you are Hit follow the respawn rules.
- A hit from a player’s own teammate, or “Friendly Fire”, also counts as a hit.
- Do not fire into respawn points, this will be classed as cheating.
- The use of radio/communications equipment is allowed during the games. Please stay off of the marshals channel.
- Players are not permitted to cross red and white hazard tape or roped off areas for their own safety.
- Players cannot enter neighbouring fields or go over fences.
- All players must listen to the marshals, a marshals word is final.
- If you have a problem see a marshal do not confront other players, marshals are there to help.
- Players must be quiet and listen during game and safety briefs, players not ready to go out with everyone else may be asked to sit out of that game.
- Players are asked to follow the objectives and work as a team.
- Do not move or damage our site props they are there for everyone to enjoy.
- Do not blind fire, you must be able to see your target.
- Treat other players as you would like to be treated yourself.
- Remember! Dead men don’t talk, play fair.
- Anyone found to be blatantly cheating will be asked to leave the site, without a refund.
- No fires allowed anywhere on site. Players are not allowed to attempt to put fires out, raise the alarm and wait for the marshals.
- Do not destroy or play with site firefighting equipment found around the site.
- Look after the site facilities and clean up after yourself.
- Come and go quietly, respect our neighbours.
- Keep rubbish on you in the game zone and use the bins provided in the safe zone.
- Do not touch another player’s equipment or vehicles.
Please be aware! Aim Laser Ops has rabbit holes, uneven ground, holes covered with leaves and fallen tree debris, so watch your footing while playing.
We advise all our players to wear suitable footwear and clothing, we require long sleeved clothing and full-length trousers. Wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty or scuffing up.
Wear strong shoes/boots with ankle support, this is an active game.